"Human progress isn’t measured by industry. It’s measured by the value you place on a life. An unimportant life. A life without privilege" - The Doctor
​Hi and WELCOME!​
​My name is Nadine and I'm a model and artist from the Netherlands. In 2006 I had my first photoshoot, it was a birthday present, but I never expected to shoot after that again, untill January 2009.
After a shoot at a friends studio in Amsterdam, I decided to try it a little more often.
In the few hours left in my busy schedule, I loved to walk around in the studio and do modelling stuff.
I no longer work as a model as much as I did back then. In the last couple of years I started working on costumes and cosplay more and more. Right now this is what I love doing the most! Being original is something I find very important and because of this I love to create something of my own and use this in my photo's.
At the moment I'm a Visual Merchandiser in a clothing store. I love fashion and although I don't prefer the mainstream kind, it has my interest in any shape or form!
Take some time to look around on my website and find out if we can help each other with something! Wanna see my latest costume projects? Follow me on Instagram (see HOME).
Wanna see my complete portfolio? Log in with facebook!